Davidson County Mental Health Court

Helping Nashvillians reassert control of their lives and manage their mental health.

A Recovery-Based Approach For People With Mental Health Issues


Participants Who Don’t Reoffend Within the First Year of the Program

Before the establishment of the Mental Health Court, misdemeanor defendants, dealing with severe and persistent mental health issues, would often become trapped in a cycle of arrest, incarceration, release, relapse, and more arrests.

The work we do daily in Mental Health Court successfully breaks that cycle, assisting our clients in reasserting control of their lives and managing their mental health. We have demonstrated that a recovery-based approach rather than a slamming jail door can make a true and lasting difference for these members of our community.

As a result of our work, we see individual success for our clients and our community in addressing homelessness, helping people who could otherwise end up on the street with no access to services find the help they need.

It is rare to have someone enter the program who does not desperately want to reconnect with their families, live a meaningful, productive life, and be a part of the community. All they need is the commitment of a system and society willing to look past the incorrect notions and prejudices we have carried about this community for far, far too long.

A Recovery-Based Approach For People With Mental Health Issues

Before the establishment of the Mental Health Court, misdemeanor defendants, dealing with severe and persistent mental health issues, would often become trapped in a cycle of arrest, incarceration, release, relapse, and more arrests.

The work we do daily in Mental Health Court successfully breaks that cycle, assisting our clients in reasserting control of their lives and managing their mental health. We have demonstrated that a recovery-based approach rather than a slamming jail door can make a true and lasting difference for these members of our community.

As a result of our work, we see individual success for our clients and our community in addressing homelessness, helping people who could otherwise end up on the street with no access to services find the help they need.

It is rare to have someone enter the program who does not desperately want to reconnect with their families, live a meaningful, productive life, and be a part of the community. All they need is the commitment of a system and society willing to look past the incorrect notions and prejudices we have carried about this community for far, far too long.


Participants Who Don’t Reoffend Within the First Year of the Program

Get Help from the Mental Health Court


Help is available. Successful participation in the Mental Health Court program can help you become a fully participating member of the community.


Help restore dignity and respect to your clients who have come into contact with the criminal justice system due to their mental health challenges.

See How We Can Help Today

The Davidson County Mental Health Court is committed to assisting clients in reasserting control of their lives and managing their mental health. Contact us today to see how we can help you or someone you know.